Our Lavish Hair Serum Hair Growth set is for all types of hair. Our Lavish 4 Locs moisturizes , revitalize and stimulate your scalp and locs without leaving residue. Lavish 4 Kids. Lavish 4 Kids promotes a healthy scalp and promotes growth while being sensitive enough for your child’s hair. LAVISH EDGE GROWTH SERUM is great for edges made with all natural oils,CHEBE POWDER and Fenugreek seeds . These ingredients combined tames an inflamed scalp to ensure a healthy scalp and hair growth. LAVISH MEGA GROWTH SERUM is made with all natural oils and Chebe powder and Horsetail Extract. LAVISH HAIR GROWTH SERUM is made up from all natural oils and Chebe Powder. All our serums will guarantee stronger, and healthier hair.